Bonus Day for Baby Snuggles

Leap Day is a "bonus" day.

I missed being a Leap Day baby myself by several hours which would have resulted in today being my 7th birthday, but I still get excited about the extra day. Nothing special necessarily happens on Leap Day, and there's nothing special I do to celebrate it. But this year it really is a bonus day and it's full of potential.

A full extra day of baby snuggles! 

Well, a full extra day of diapers too. But really, I haven't found diapers all that repulsive yet (and I've been peed on twice).

A full extra day to get some house cleaning done. 

Let's be honest, Hubby hasn't done any cleaning besides dishes while I've been on the mend from child birth. It's exactly why I went crazy with the nesting cleaning the day before baby's due date. It's now been 3 weeks and the house needs to be vacuumed again- badly.

A full extra day of sunshine. 

Yep, there's real life sunshine today. In fact, we've been having sunshine a lot lately, which means spring is on the way and we'll have a nice snowstorm at the end of March. Baby and I will have to bundle up (it's still cold) and take a walk in the sunshine.

And above all, a full extra day to appreciate my life.

I've been really blessed in the last year. A husband, a son, a pay raise at work. The situation in life is good right now and this is the happiest I've been in many years. I prefer to focus on all the good in my life instead of all the negative floating around in the world.

Sure, there's Coronavirus, the unpleasant business of elections this year, global warming, stock market downturns, etc.

But in my corner of the world, it's not an extra day for campaigning or freaking out about a new deadly disease- it's an extra day of baby snuggles and a warm cup of coffee. Well, the coffee won't be warm, baby will make sure he needs me right after I pour the cup, but that's okay. Room temperature coffee will suffice.

So go out and enjoy your bonus day. Don't spend it worrying about the negative things in the world. Today is an extra day to soak up all the positive vibes out there- make the best of it. I'll be over here getting my snuggles before he's too big to want hugs.

Until next time,
Emma Leigh


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