Noticing Nature More

There's plenty of negative news regarding Coronavirus lately. But I have been trying to stay positive and one of the upsides to taking things slow at home- I've noticed nature more.

It's 5am as I write this, and I'm watching the moon rise in the south east just ahead of the sun. I didn't know much about the lunar cycle until this morning when I sat puzzled by the moon rising in the morning instead of the evening. So I dug out my trusty Google and looked it up.

I'm going to have to find a book about the moon. I want to know more. I took the time to wonder at something and let my curiosity lead me in a new direction.

I watched robins out the window earlier this week. They're interesting birds. They show up every spring right before our last big snowstorm and somehow still manage to sing.

We have four deer that regularly visit our yard now each evening. We have oak trees so they are searching for acorns. Hubby spends some time watching them each day.

I watched the sunrise yesterday morning. It turned the sky purple and pink and warmed the whole house as it flooded through the windows despite the 15°F reading on the thermometer.

Reminded me of playing on the floor in my parent's dining room as a kid- where the sun came through the patio doors and we could spend the whole afternoon watching the shadow move across the carpet.

When we are out walking, I can smell spring in the air. And the neighboring cow farm.

Nature doesn't care that us humans have locked ourselves away from each other. Us. Humans, who are some of the most social creatures by nature, are trying to do the most unnatural thing for us. The rest of the world- especially the natural world- is carrying on without a worry.

The moon is still rising on schedule.
Robins are still chirping each morning.
Deer are still grazing.
And sunrise hasn't faltered.

We can let fear and panic take this time from us. The "Quarantine Time".

Or we can stop and notice nature more. Learn about something we didn't before, listen to basic simple things- like a bird singing.

I highly encourage watching more sunrises. Stay positive.

Until next time,
Emma Leigh


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