The Simple Way to a Fresh Smelling Home

We bought our home from smokers back in October, and I've been trying ever since to make it smell like our house and not like we chain smoke in our living room. I've finally found the solution! And it's just so simple.

Dining Room Table with Deodorizer

While I was at my parents' house for mother's day, my mom showed me this clever idea for keeping rooms smelling fresh with two simple ingredients and a few supplies:

Baking soda
Essential Oils
Mason jar
Coffee Filters

Supplies to make your own

Simply fill the mason jar about half way with baking soda, drop in about 5 drops of the essential oil of your choice (I used lemon and eucalyptus). Then replace the metal lid of the mason jar with a coffee filter, trim off the edges, and wah-lah! Room deodorizer.  

You can mix and match scents for different rooms too!
My library has a cedar blend, the linen closet was just eucalyptus, and I used lavender in the bedroom.

Deodorizer and Himalayan Salt Lamp

Our home no longer smells like cigarette smoke when you walk through the door. Just a fresh spring smell to compliment the greenery growing in our yard. It's the perfect start to summer after being shut indoors for 9 months. It even comes in a pretty and elegant package.

Until next time,
Emma Leigh


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