Winter Arrived | Obligatory Talk About Snow 2021

 Winter has finally arrived! Most of January it felt like winter was on vacation. When the white stuff did finally make an appearance, we got outside and had some fun! More snow fell in the first week of February than it did in all of January this year. 😲❆❄

We took Baby for a ride around the yard in his new sled that Santa brought him for Christmas. Hubby and I had fun, but Baby wasn't too impressed. He didn't like his hands being tucked away where he couldn't feel the snow with his fingers.

A few days later, after several heavy snowfalls, I left Baby and Hubby in the house and wandered out into the woods on my snowshoes. We had perfect tree-coating snow and I just had to capture it with my camera.

This week, the temps have been COLD. It was -18°F when I woke up Thursday morning and I was really glad I didn't have to go anywhere until the sun came up. In true U.P. fashion though, it warmed up to 12°F by noon and it felt positively like spring by that point. Nothing like a 30 degree swing in temperature to make the day more interesting. There's a reason us crazy Yoopers talk about the weather all the time.

In the midst of all this winter, I've already started dreaming about spring. There's still another 2 months of the winter stuff. Don't worry, I have some cabin fever busters up my sleeve- tune in next week for those.

Until next time,
Emma Leigh


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