River Fishing With Hubby

Otter River, Michigan

My husband has been trying for years to get me to go fishing with him on the Otter River. I really have no interest in fishing, so I usually turn him down. However, every time I ask him to join me at an event that requires a shirt with buttons, he says I owe him a fishing trip. My number of trips owed is quite large, as this summer was my first time on the river.

I have so little interest in fishing that I didn't even bring a fishing pole with me, but I did like the idea of tagging along and spending the afternoon outdoors with my husband.

Hubby in the river

We had a gorgeous day as far as the weather was concerned. It was about 70 degrees and sunny, one of very few such days each year. It was a decent trek into the woods before scooting down the steep and wooded embankment into the river. We weren't in the water more than 30 seconds and Hubby had already caught a fish, but it was too small to keep.

Water was only knee deep most the way, but varied between ankle deep like the photo above to so deep we had to climb out and scurry through the undergrowth until it was shallow again or swim. One section we went through was the remains of a waterfall that had finally eroded away, and shortly beyond that we stopped for a bit and spotted tons of deer tracks along the bank.

Deer tracks in the river bank

It was a beautiful day on the river, and should the weather ever be so fortunate again, I might join Hubby another time. I didn't expect to like river fishing, but I actually enjoyed myself. It was one heck of a leg workout though, walking against the current for over two hours was much more than I usually do in a day.


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